
2. Morning practice

The morning routine has a quite defined purpose. It is a method to initiate the Right Thoughts for the day, making Right Thought a habit leading to Right Action. Making sure I keep a morning routine also trains my discipline. And finally, the morning routine should be healthy for the body. This is what I do:
  1. Attempt to get out of bed within five seconds after the alarm goes off.
    This trains discipline. At the time of writing this entry, I have never been able to do this...
  2. Evacuation and hygiene (5 minutes)
    Ayurveda is all about cleanliness. And also, until this is done, it is going to bother the mind. A good splash of water in the face also helps you wake up.
  3. Drink a glass of water. (1 minute)
    During the night, you have lost a lot of water, the oil of the human body. You need this to feel well.
  4. Yoga (20 minutes)
    This is the best time to perform yoga. While it is good for your body, it will also prepare your body for the meditative state of mind you require for the next steps.
  5. Prayers (5-10 minutes)
    As a beginner, the most important thing you need to know about these prayers, is to repeat your oath every day (induces state of mind) and to already now intitate good thoughts and actions towards others.
  6. Reaching out (30 minutes)
    I reach out to at least one person every day. This increases social resilience. And again, the focus is on spreading goodness. My experience is that once you have started this practice, you might end up not having to reach out. The people who need you that day will somehow surface anyway.
  7. A moment of gratitude (10 seconds)
    Spend a few seconds being grateful for what you have already been able to do today.
  8. Breakfast (20 minutes)
So that is a 60-65 minute program I do before breakfast. In a few other articles, I will share more details about each of these points.

ALSO SEE: Evening practice

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